
Fuel Stations Package Insurances

Fuel Stations Package Insurances

Your fuel station is guaranteed by Kuveyt Türk against all the risks including fire, floods, accidents and robbery!

The insurance policy that meets all the needs of gas stations guarantees your workplace against the following risks:
Losses guaranteed by the Fuel Stations Package Insurances are as follows:

  • Fire, lightning, explosions
  • Floods
  • Internal water
  • Storms
  • Hail
  • Landslide and landslides caused by excavation
  • Fog
  • Collision of land vehicles
  • Collision of aircraft
  • Strikes, lockouts, uproar, civil commotions, ill-intentioned actions, terrorism
  • Expenses for debris removal
  • Work suspension
  • Loss of rent
  • Theft of fixed facility installations
  • Electronic device
  • Machine breakdown
  • Money theft on the pump
  • Responsibility towards third parties
  • Environmental pollution
  • Falling down the lift
  • Underground tank leak property loss
  • Filling the car with the wrong fuel
  • Degradation of food in the store
  • Theft
  • Safety abuse
  • Snow pressure
  • Earthquake and volcanic eruption
  • Money delivery
  • Personal accident
  • Employer liability
  • Glass breakage
  • Tenant pecuniary liability
  • Owner pecuniary Liability
  • Vicinity pecuniary liability

The guarantees you may receive on demand with Fuel Stations Package Insurances are as follows:

  • Collision of vessels

To access more detailed information on the product visit

Click here for General Conditions of Fire Insurance.