
Applying Letter of Guarantee

Applying Letter of Guarantee

Applying a letter of guarantee by using an Internet Branch or Kuveyt Türk Mobile anywhere is now possible!

Use Kuveyt Türk Internet Branch or Kuveyt Türk Mobile to apply for a Letter of Guarantee right now!

What Is a Letter of Guarantee Application?

Letter of Guarantee Application is a convenience both to the Corporate Internet Branch and Kuveyt Türk Mobile that enables our corporate customers to submit their requests without visiting a branch.

Who Can Apply for a Letter of Guarantee?

  • Corporate Kuveyt Türk customers can apply for a Letter of Guarantee via the Internet Branch and Kuveyt Türk Mobile.
  • You can make your application only for letters of guarantee with the following subject.
    • Public tenders numbered 4734 and 2886,
    • Hajj and Umrah organizations of tourism companies,
    • Procurement of goods from Directorates of Forestry.

How to Apply for a Letter of Guarantee?

  1. Log in to Kuveyt Türk Internet Branch,
  2. Click on My Applications -> Letter of Guarantee -> Letter of Guarantee Application,
  3. Enter the Letter of Guarantee information into the system,
  4. Once your application is approved, you will receive your Letter of Guarantee from the branch of your choice,
  5. You can view your application status from the Guarantee Application Tracking option under the Letter of Guarantee menu.

Apply for a Letter of Guarantee through Kuveyt Türk Internet Branch to save time and enjoy faster transactions!