- The Bank’s capital does not include privileged shares.
- The Bank does not have real person shareholders who own more than 5% share.
Kuwait Finance House KSC
Kuwait Finance House (KFH) is considered a pioneer in the banking phenomenon known as Islamic Finance or Shari’a Compliant Banking. KFH is the first Islamic bank established in 1977 in the State of Kuwait and today it’s one of the foremost Islamic financial institutions in the world. And it's a public company on the Kuwait Stock Exchange.
For more information, please visit www.kfh.com.
Directorate General of Foundations
Directorate General of Foundations (VGM) consists of a large number of registered offices established before 1926. In accordance with Law on Establishment and Duties of Directorate General of Foundations No. 2762, the assets and properties of registered foundations are administered and managed by VGM. VGM was established in 1924 as a state entity operating directly under the Prime Ministry and was appointed to manage, direct and regulate existing and future Turkish relief foundations.
VGM is an independent legal entity and has its own budget. In order to manage the incomes and expenses of the foundations, the right to set up a bank subject to the establishment law was granted to VGM.
For more information, please visit www.vgm.gov.tr.
Islamic Development Bank
The Islamic Development Bank is an international financial institution established in accordance with the Declaration of Will issued by the Finance Ministers Conference of Muslim Countries in December 1973 in Jeddah. The aim of the bank is to promote the economic development and social development of individual and collective Muslim communities and member states according to the principles of Islamic Law. The functions of the bank are to give loans and participate in self-financing for efficient projects and establishments, and to provide financial assistance to member states in other ways for economic and social development. In addition to establishing foundation funds, it is necessary for non-member countries to establish and operate special funds for special purposes, including funds for the assistance of Muslim communities. The bank’s member countries currently number 57. The basic condition for membership is that the candidate country is a member of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, is willing to pay the contribution to the bank’s capital and accept the terms and conditions set by the Board of Directors of the Islamic Development Bank.
For more information, please visit www.isdb.org.
Wafra International Investment Company
Wafra International Investment Company was established in Kuwait in 1994.It is one of the major investment companies in Kuwait. For more information, please click here.