Common Features of Our Cards
To get a credit card password;
- You can access the Credit Card Password Transactions menu after saying "Getting a credit card password" via Voice IVR. In this menu, you can complete the credit card password process.
To change credit card password;
- You can access the Credit Card Password Transactions menu after saying "Changing the credit card password" over the Voice IVR. In this menu, you can complete the credit card password change operations.
In the event your Kuveyt Turk Credit Card is lost or stolen, please immediately call Kuveyt Turk Call Center (444 0 123) and request the cancellation and replacement of your card.
- For cancelling your lost or stolen card, you can report a suspicious transaction by dialing 444 0 123 -> 0 or by saying “lost stolen” or “suspicious transaction” via Voice IVR.
When do you pay your debts?
All of the expenditures that you have made by your Kuveyt Turk Credit Card shall be informed to you monthly by means of a statement. You are supposed to pay your debts which shall comprise of your total expenditures to Kuveyt Turk until the Date of Last Paymentindicated in the statement.
How do you learn your Kuveyt Turk Credit Card debt??
- Statement: You may check the expenditures you have made, the total amount of your expenditures and the Date of Last Payment with the statements to be sent monthly to your address on the same dates. Furthermore, you may contribute to the protection of the nature by requesting that e-statements are sent to your e-mail.
- You can find out your credit card debt by calling 444 0 123 and saying “learn credit card debt” via Voice IVR.
- Kuveyt Turk Internet Branch: You may check the expenditures you have made, your debt and your credit card information on the Internet Branch.
- Kuveyt Turk Branches:You may learn your credit card statement debt from all Kuveyt Turk branches. Please click to see the nearest Kuveyt Turk branch.
How do you make your Kuveyt Turk Credit Card payments?
You may easily pay your Kuveyt Turk Credit Card debt by choosing one of the following options.
- Automatic Payment Order: If you give a written order to the Kuveyt Turk branch of your account for once only, your credit card statement debts shall be automatically paid. You should just have sufficient amount of balance on the dates of payment.
- Payment from Kuveyt Turk Branches: You may easily make your payments by visiting Kuveyt Turk branches. Please click to see the nearest Kuveyt Turk branch.
- Payment by EFT: You may easily make your payments by EFT to your card number from all local banks.
- Kuveyt Turk Internet Branch: You may easily pay your Sale Plus Credit Card debt on the Internet Branch.
- Kuveyt Turk Customer Communication Center: You can easily make your Sağlam Card debt payment through our Call Center (444 0 123). Payment can be made by saying "Credit card debt payment.” via Voice IVR.
- PTT Branches: You may pay your debt at all PTT branches in Türkiye and on the PTT Online Branch.
Kuveyt Turk Credit Card helps you pay Kuveyt Turk contracted institution bills with an automatic payment order.
- Kuveyt Turk Internet Branch: You may give a Bill Payment Order by following the below given steps after logging on to the Internet Branch. Payments -> Automatic Payment Orders -> Giving Order
- In order to get your Internet Branch password, you may call Kuveyt Turk Call Center (444 0 123) and press first 3 and then 2.
444 0 123 -> 3 -> 2 - Kuveyt Turk Branches: You may give a Bill Payment Order from all Kuveyt Turk branches. Please click to see the nearest Kuveyt Turk branch.
You may add GSM TL for Turkcell, Turk Telekom and Vodafone by your Kuveyt Turk Credit Card on the Internet Branch and at all Kuveyt Turk İŞLEMATİKs (ATMs) without paying any extra fee.
- Kuveyt Turk Internet Branch: You may add GSM TL by following the below given steps after logging on to the Internet Branch.
Payments -> Adding GSM TL (Turkcell, Vodafone or Turk Telekom)
At Kuveyt Turk İŞLEMATİKs (ATMs), you may use your Sale Plus as well as your Kuveyt Turk Bank Card and benefit from all services of ATM banking 24/7.
With your Kuveyt Turk Credit Card, you may reach to your accounts and credit card information by using your password at Kuveyt Turk İŞLEMATİKs (ATMs). Furthermore, you may withdraw money from your current and savings account having sufficient balance.
Expenditures made abroad are indexed at the exchange rate of the bank on the registration date of the transaction and shown in pending provisions. When the clearing record of the transaction reaches our bank, it is reflected to current term transactions at the exchange rate of the bank. Depending on the exchange rate change, the amount in the pending provision and the current term transactions may be different.
You may request a supplementary card connected to your Kuveyt Turk Credit Card for your spouse and adult relatives aged 18 and older. The supplementary card that you request may have a limit you set within the limit of your original card. However, supplementary card and original card holder are jointly and severally liable for the debts which shall arise from the transactions made by supplementary cards.
You may prevent unnecessary consumption of papers and thus contribute to the protection of the nature by getting your Kuveyt Turk Credit Card statements only via e-mail.
For E–Statement application;
- Kuveyt Turk Customer Communication Center: You can call 444 0 123 and request that your statements be easily sent to you via e-mail by saying “Receiving Statement” via Voice IVR.
- Kuveyt Turk Internet Branch: After logging into Kuveyt Turk Internet Branch, you can request that your statements be sent as e-statements by following the steps below. Cards -> My Cards -> Card Details -> Update -> Statement Shipping Options
- Kuveyt Turk Branches: You may request that your statements are sent to you via e-mail from all Kuveyt Turk branches. Please click to see the nearest Kuveyt Turk branch.
In accordance with the legal regulation, debit and credit cards are printed as closed to internet shopping. In order to complete your online shopping easily, you need to open your card for online shopping.
You can turn your cards on/off for internet spending by writing ONAY (space) INTERNET (space) the last 4 digits of your card number and sending SMS to 2848. In addition, via Internet / Mobile Branch Card Settings menu and Call Center, card settings can be changed.
For example: ONAY INTERNET 1234
If you see a transaction that you cannot recall or you think that was performed without your knowledge in your account activity for your credit card/ATM card, follow the steps below.
The business names on signboards and the names of these businesses reflected in your account activities may not be the same. First, try to remember any payments of a similar amount that you made on that date.
For cash withdrawals from different ATMs, the relevant amount is reflected in your account activities along with commission fees (1% of transaction cost +0.91 TRY). Try remembering the cash withdrawal transaction according to this explanation.
If you still cannot remember the transaction despite these details, you can contact our call center on 444 0 123.
Under what circumstances can I file an appeal?
It wasn’t me!
In cases where a transaction has not been performed by yourself or a person whom you authorized, you can file an appeal after canceling your card through our call center.
That’s not something I bought!
In cases where you did not obtain the product/service from the business in relation to the transaction you have paid for, you can file an appeal.
I’ve been charged twice!
In cases where a transaction with the same date and amount is reflected on your card more than once, you can file an appeal.
The product was delivered faulty/damaged!
In cases where the delivered product is faulty, damaged, or the quality of the desired product and the delivered product do not match, you can file an appeal.
It’s the wrong amount!
In cases where the transaction amount is different from what it is supposed to be, you can file an appeal.
That’s not the way I paid!
In cases where the expense amount is debited to your Kuveyt Türk bank/credit card account even though you made a different kind of payment, you can file an appeal.
What should I pay attention to while filing an appeal?
If your card shows a transaction that was not performed by yourself or by someone you authorized, you first need to call our call center on 444 0 123 for your security, and have them cancel your card.
In order to file an appeal with regards to a transaction performed with your card, an application must be submitted within the deadlines determined by the card companies. You need to submit your appeal to us as soon as possible.
Fill out a Card Expense Appeal Form and send it to us with your signature.
If the appealed transaction involves an additional card, you should write the additional card number in the relevant section of the Expense Appeal Form, and the form should be signed by the additional card owner.
Only one appeal reason can be selected on the Card Expense Appeal Form.
You need to provide the supporting information/documents requested in relation to the appeal reason you selected.
All appealed transactions need to be indicated with the “Name of Business”, “Transaction Amount”, and “Transaction date” in separate rows.
As the Card Expense Appeal Form you submit to us will be forwarded to the addressee banks, please make sure they are complete and legible.
Where can I get hold of the Card Expense Appeal Form?
You can get the Card Expense Appeal Form from the link below or from our nearest branch.
Card Expense Appeal Form
The Card Expense Appeal Form must be filled out in compliance with the aforementioned rules and sent to indicated on the bottom of the form.
Note: Your appeal will be processed as per the provisions of Bank and Credit Cards Law No. 5464, as well as international banking and credit card regulations, and will undergo an assessment that may last up to 45 days. Within that period, in the event that it is found appropriate as a result of the preliminary examination conducted by our bank, our bank will temporarily register the appealed expense(s) to your credit card account. If your appeal is not finalized in your favor, the relevant transaction amount(s) will be re-debited from your credit card account. Bank cards (ATM/checking account card) do not have a temporary receivable application. If the appeal period is finalized in your favor, your account will be credited with the amount.
MasterPass Use
- Now you can choose an easy and secure payment method for your online purchases by adding your Kuveyt Türk cards* to MasterPass once** without entering your card number.
- Masterpass is a digital solution that allows you to pay quickly and easily with just a click at businesses where you see the Masterpass logo by storing your card information securely in the Mastercard® infrastructure.
How to become a MasterPass member?
- By registering your card details via the website (
- By checking the "Save my card to Masterpass" box when you are on the payment step with credit and/or debit card on the website, mobile website, or mobile applications of the merchants where you see the Masterpass logo.
*Cards with Mastercard, Visa, and TROY logos can be added to Masterpass.
**It is valid on e-commerce sites contracted with MasterPass.
Sağlam Card Assistance Services
- Sağlam Card holders can contract our assistant support line and get services by saying "Assistant Services" via Voice IVR after connecting to our Customer Contact Center at 444 0 123 on many issues such as housing assistance, roadside assistance, and travel assistance, concierge services at any time they need.
- For detailed information about the services included below and more click here.
Roadside Assistance Services
- Towing a vehicle
- Vehicle rescue
- Roadside repair
- Discounted car rental
- Tire replacement
- Running out of fuel
- Sending a locksmith
Residential Assistant
- Sending a doctor/ambulance to the residence
- Plumbing service
- Electrical installation service
- Locksmith service
Health and Safety Discount
Health Screening Organization Discount
Concierge Services
VIP Discounts and Privileges