
Sağlam Retailer Card

Sağlam Retailer Card

The Most Special Credit Card for Your Company and Retailers!

As a fundamental principle, our Sağlam Retailer Card is a practical payment system which systematizes commercial payments and collections between distributors and retailers. This is a system which will work specifically in industrial supply chains, for payments between buyers and sellers and companies in a distributor-retailer relationship and purchases of goods and products.

With Kuveyt Türk Sağlam Retailer Card, Distributor can benefit from the following advantages:

  • Your retailers are provided with a Credit Card with a limit which only works at your company.
  • You can collect your payments instantly and allow a flexible payment term of up to 18 months to your retailers.
  • Using Mail Order you can still collect your receivables even if you do not have your retailer's Sağlam Retailer Card with you.
  • You eliminate your collection risks and won't have to carry cheques or promissory notes!
  • You can bring convenience to your cash management and collectibles follow-up.

With Kuveyt Türk Sağlam Retailer Card, Retailer can benefit from the following advantages:

  • We do not charge any card fees for your Sağlam Retailer Card.
  • You can increase your purchasing power with a flexible payment term up to 18 months.
  • Your instalment repayments start on the statement date which you set earlier.
  • You won't need cash, cheques, promissory notes or letters of guarantee and can save their costs, while reducing your operational burden.
  • Sağlam Retailer Card holders can get accommodation, roadside and travel assistance, concierge services and many other assistance services any time they need by calling the Business Plus Card Assistance Services helpline on 444 0 123. Please click here for service details.