Silver Account is a drawing account directed to our customers who would like to invest in silver. It is possible to transact silver in return for TL or USD. The silver that you purchase and is transferred to your account is at 1000 (one thousand) purity. You may purchase silver even in return for 1 TL and thus both benefit from silver yield and have the opportunity to expand your investment portfolio.
You may affect your Silver Account transactions on business days between 9.00 and 17.25 at Kuveyt Turk Branches or through the channels of Internet Branch, İŞLEMATİK, Telephone Banking and Mobile Banking.
- You may make transfers between your silver accounts. You may purchase silver every month regularly by giving regular buying/selling order or when silver reaches to a certain price by giving buying order.
- Your silver account is under the guarantee of the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (SDIF) up to TL 650,000 for natural persons and legal entities.
- There is no physical delivery in silver transactions.