
Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance

Credit-Linked Individual Accident Insurance

Thanks to Credit-Linked Individual Accident Insurance, you will not leave your loved ones in a difficult situation.

Protect your loved ones against accidents! Get Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance now and make sure your loan is repaid in case of death or disability due to an accident.

About Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance

Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance is one of Kuveyt Türk's insurance products that ensures that the insurance covers your loan debt in case of disability and death due to an accident. Prevent your loved ones from facing financial problems thanks to this insurance, which provides coverage equal to your loan.

How to Get Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance

Get Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance quickly and easily by visiting our nearest branch.

Details on Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance

  • In case of permanent disability or death due to an accident, you may benefit from the coverage specified under the insurance.
  • You may take advantage of this insurance product if you are a Kuveyt Türk customer between the ages of 18 and 64 who has a personal loan.
  • You may set the duration of the insurance in accordance with the term stated in your insurance.
  • You may determine your premiums yourself, considering your age, loan period, premium payment method, and loan amount.
  • You may pay your premiums in advance, annually, or in 12 installments within the first year by giving an automatic payment order from your bank account or with your credit card.

Advantages of Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance

  • You may pay lower premiums as you get coverage equal to your loan debt.
  • In the event of your death or permanent disability due to an accident, you prevent your loved ones from dealing with a financial crisis.
  • You may set the premiums according to the loan period and amount.

Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance Coverages

With Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance, you may benefit from disability and death coverage equal to your loan amount for the duration of the loan. During this period, you receive disability and death benefits at equal rates.

  • Permanent Disability Due to Accident: You may benefit from this coverage in the event of total, absolute, permanent disability due to an accident, in accordance with the terms and principles outlined in the General Terms and Conditions of Personal Accident Insurance.
  • Death Due to Accident: In the event of accidental death, you may receive the accidental death coverage specified in the attached list in addition to the death coverage in the attached list for your predesignated beneficiary or your legal heirs according to their inheritance shares if no beneficiary has been designated.
  • Declining Balance Coverage: As this coverage provides assurance equal to the amount you owe, the premium is lower than other fixed balance products.

The following cases are covered:

  • You benefit from insurance coverage in case of death and disability due to an accident caused by an earthquake.

The following cases are not included in the coverage:

  • War or military operations in the nature of war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, uprising, or internal disturbances arising therefrom,
  • Participation in strikes, locked-out labor movements, popular movements, and fights,
  • Committing or attempting to commit crimes and murders,
  • Except for the rescue of persons and property in danger, acts of the insured knowingly exposing themselves to grave danger,
  • All damages arising from biological and/or chemical pollution, contamination or poisoning caused by acts of terrorism specified in the Anti-Terror Law No. 3713 and sabotage arising from these acts or as a result of interventions made by authorized bodies in order to prevent these acts and reduce their effects,
  • Nuclear risks or the use of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, or any attack or sabotage that may cause the release of nuclear, biological, and chemical substances,
  • Participating in acts of terrorism and related sabotage as specified in the Anti-Terror Law No. 3713,
  • All expenses not resulting from an accident covered by the insurance,
  • Officially declared epidemics and quarantine,
  • Riding and traveling on motorcycles and motorized bicycles,
  • Offshore fishing and herding, wild animal hunting such as wild boar, and hunting in high mountains,
  • Mountaineering by climbing mountains and glaciers, all sports practiced on snow or ice (such as skiing, skating, and hockey), javelin, horseback riding, polo, rugby, fencing, weightlifting, wrestling, boxing, basketball, football and sailing, heavy and dangerous gymnastics and professional sports activities,
  • All kinds of sports competitions as well as speed and endurance races,
  • Flying in an aircraft in a capacity other than as a passenger,
  • Volcanic eruption, flooding, and landslides,
  • Except for the damages specified in subparagraph (e) of Article 5 of the General Terms and Conditions of Personal Accident Insurance and participation in acts of terrorism and sabotage stated in subparagraph (g) of the same article, interventions made by authorized bodies to prevent or mitigate the effects of terrorist acts and sabotage specified in the Anti-Terror Law No. 3713.

Channels to Apply for Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance

All you need to do to get Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance is to visit one of our branches and make your application. If you are not a Kuveyt Türk customer, you may visit our Become a Kuveyt Türk Customer page and check out the steps to become a customer.

Frequently Asked Questions About Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance

In what cases do I benefit from the coverage?

In the event of death and disability due to accidents and earthquakes, you may benefit from coverage at the rates specified in your insurance.

How do I make my premium payments?

You may pay your premiums in advance, by automatic payment from your bank accounts, or with your credit card.

Visit our nearest branch to take advantage of Credit-Linked Personal Accident Insurance, which takes the financial burden of your loan debt off your shoulders in the event of an accident and provides financial security for your loved ones.